Psychological Assessments

  • If you're curious about your personality, memory, intelligence, possible neuropsychological problems due to a brain injury or head trauma

  • Neuropsychological evaluations provide an in depth understanding of memory, processing speed, attention/inattention, executive functioning, intelligence, and overall strengths and  weaknesses

  • Assessments can also help guide your children and their academic career. It’s  important to rule out learning disorders and ADD/ADHD because the wrong diagnosis can lead to unnecessary medications and misguided treatment.

  • Social/Emotional evaluations provide an in depth understanding of an individual’s emotional landscape which also helps with diagnostic clarification, medication choices, and treatment planning.

Benefits of psychological assessments

People often start medication or other types of treatment without a proper psychological evaluation. A proper assessment might include cognitive, personality, and diagnostic testing, as well as in-depth interviews from the patient and people who know the patient well. The proper treatment recommendations and medication choices usually require a combination of clinical expertise and the objective data that comprehensive psychological tests provide.

Clinical Services

EBMC is a group of mental health professionals dedicated to mindfulness-based therapeutic treatments. We are dedicated to working collaboratively and therapeutically to improve their mental health, functionality, and quality of life.

We offer a variety of assessments including:

  • Cognitive testing

  • Social-emotional testing

  • Personality testing

  • Psychoeducational and diagnostic guidance

  • Career evaluations

  • Learning disorders, ADD, and ADHD testing